Welcome to HP Interim Executive Director Patty Wilder!

Highpoint is excited to introduce Patty Wilder. Patty will be serving as the Interim Executive Director at Highpoint while a search for HP's permanent Executive Director is ongoing.

Patty has worked in a variety of interim Executive roles over the past 9 years including a year at a local museum, integrative health organizations, domestic violence programs, homeless services, chemical health, education, and affordable housing. Patty also does Executive coaching, searches, organizational assessment work and teaching at local universities.

Her career has been focused in the nonprofit sector including human rights, social justice, diversity initiatives, disabilities, and much more. She served on the Cultural Arts and Deaf Audiences committee for years while working in the field of deafness.

Patty studied collective impact efforts as part of her Bush Fellowship which has been useful in her interim services. She also facilitated a 2 1/2 year succession planning and leadership transition program while at the University of St. Thomas as the Director of their Center for Nonprofit Management and Social Enterprises. This effort was with input from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the work helpful to her efforts to support healthy organizational transitions.

As someone who studied art in high school and college and had a studio for batik work and painting, she is excited to support the great work of Highpoint in a time of transition.