Published by Highpoint Editions
On View: September 15, 2017 – November 11, 2017
Friday, September 15, 2017 from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Highpoint is proud to present Todd Norsten: N O W H E R E, a survey of unique monoprints Norsten created at the Highpoint Editions studio over the past year. Although graphically minimal and seemingly direct, observation and thought allow the viewer to peel back the layers of meaning created by the physical artistic materials, the artist’s own experiences and his razor-sharp wit. The rapid nature of monoprinting encouraged Norsten to experiment with the appropriated text and culturally recognizable imagery. He revisits subject matter with varied approaches throughout the creation of these prints, crafting an interconnected and dynamic body of work.
As independent curator Betsy Carpenter wrote about the artist’s latest body of work, “…Norsten has cast a wide net in gathering and archiving found, visual ephemera as he moves through this increasingly mad world and in so doing, brings all of the absurdity, disgust, poeticism, frustration, and humor in his intellectual and emotional arsenal together with his inescapable drive to be a maker of things.”
Todd Norsten: N O W H E R E will be presented in Highpoint’s main galleries, and will be on view September 15 – November 11, 2017, with an opening reception with the artist on September 15 from 6:30-9pm. The exhibition will feature a selection of Norsten’s monoprints.

This program is funded in part by: The Harlan Boss Foundation, The Patrick & Aimee Butler Family Foundation, HRK Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, and the David and Leni Moore Family Foundation. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
- Posted in editions, exhibit main
- Tagged norsten, 2017