Highpoint offers certain services on a limited basis depending on our workload and staff availability.
Steel-Facing Service
The steel-facing—or iron plating—of intaglio plates is a technique wherein a molecularly thin layer of pure iron is transferred electrochemically onto a copper plate. Iron is harder than copper, and the iron plating strengthens the image, greatly extending the life of drypoint and subtle spit bite aquatints with virtually no loss of detail. Additionally, the steel facing eliminates the oxidation and contamination of light colors.
Highpoint offers steel facing for copper plates on a limited basis. Depending on staff workload and availability, plates can usually be steel-faced within two to three days of receipt. Please contact us to check availability before sending plates. Due to the sensitive nature of steel facing, plates need to be immaculately clean. Highpoint will charge additional labor at $35 per hour for cleaning dirty or excessively tarnished plates when it is necessary.
Cost: $85 set up fee plus $112.50 per plate or $0.55 per square inch (whichever is greater). Current Highpoint co-op members pay $75 per plate or $0.35 per square inch (whichever is greater)), plus the $85 set-up fee. The maximum plate size is 32 inches by 50 inches. The customer is responsible for shipping costs to and from Highpoint. Plates will be coated with hard ground to protect the steel facing and returned in the original package. Please package plates carefully in a sturdy, reusable container.
To inquire about htis service, call Josh at (612) 871-1326 or email josh @ highpointprintmaking.org.
A copper plate after steel-facing. Plate made by Bill Reynolds.