Aliosky García Sosa, 2016
No oigo from the triptych: No oigo, no veo, no toco / I Don’t Hear, I Don’t See, I Don’t Touch
Edition of 11
$1,500 (triptych)

Aliosky García Sosa, 2016
No veo from the triptych: No oigo, no veo, no toco / I Don’t Hear, I Don’t See, I Don’t Touch
Edition of 11
$1,500 (triptych)

Aliosky García Sosa, 2016
No toco from the triptych: No oigo, no veo, no toco / I Don’t Hear, I Don’t See, I Don’t Touch
Edition of 11
$1,500 (triptych)

Adislain Reyes, 2015
De la serie: Teripia - Ambidestra / From the Series: Therapy - Ambidexterity
Screenprint with acrylic

Ivan R. Basulto, 2019
The Post Wall
Screenprint and digital
Unique print

Yamilys Brito Jorge, 2018
Desfile Chanel – La Habana: Perfume de revolución / Chanel Parade - Havana: Perfume of Revolution
Screenprint and monoprint
Edition of 7

Janette Brossard Duharte, 2013
Haiku de la polaridad - trilogy / Haiku of Polarity - Triptych Screenprint
Variable edition of 8
$1,500 (triptych)

Janette Brossard Duharte, 2013
Haiku de la polaridad - trilogy / Haiku of Polarity - Triptych
Variable edition of 8
$1,500 (triptych)

Janette Brossard Duharte, 2013
Haiku de la polaridad - trilogy / Haiku of Polarity - Triptych
Variable edition of 8
$1,500 (triptych)

Anyelmaidelin Calzadilla Fernández, 2018
Real = Virtual
Edition of 5
$1,400 (diptych)

Yordanis García Delgado, 2016
Familia / Family
Edition of 9

Yordanis García Delgado, 2016
La Carrera de Mi Vida / The Race of My Life
Edition of 8
Edgar Hechavarria, 2019
Flag Flag Flag
Woodcut and screenprint
Edition of 5

Norberto Marrero Pírez, 2015
Mucho tiempo ha pasado desde entonces / A lot of Time has Passed Since Then
Woodcut and watercolor
Edition of 10

Norberto Marrero Pírez, 2010
Una vez comprometidos nuestros sueños / Once our dreams are compromised
Woodcut and watercolor
Edition of 10

Eduardo Hernández Santos, 2010
Tú eres el abuso y yo soy el atropello / You Are Abusive and I Am Obtrusive
Lithograph, pencil and watercolor
Edition of 10
$1,500 each

Eduardo Hernández Santos, 2010
El borracho me sirve cualquiera, a ti te da lo mismo / Anyone’s Good for Me and You Don’t Care
Lithograph, pencil and watercolor
Edition of 5

Eduardo Hernández Santos, 2010
Rum - Pipi, oye te cogió el comello, oye te partió el cuello / Rum - Pipi, Hey, That Camel was Hard to Battle
Lithograph, pencil and watercolor
Edition of 5

Luis Lamothe Duribe, 2003
La espera / The Wait
Edition of 15
$1,500 each

Luis Lamothe Duribe, 2003
Rumba callejera / Dancing in the Street
Edition of 15
$1,500 each

Luis Lamothe Duribe, 2003
La bohemia / The Bohemian
Edition of 15
$1,500 each

Lisbet Corvo Alderete, 2019
De la serie: Está lloviendo tanto…que no se de mi - La catarsis / From the Series: It's Raining So Much ... I don't Know About Me - The Catharsis
Edition of 10

Yainiel Marínez Valladares, 2019
Cultural Cow
Edition of 10

Yainiel Marínez Valladares, 2019
Cultural Cow
Edition of 10

Ibrahim Miranda, 2007
De la serie: Mapaglifos - El borracho de Sancti Spíritus / From the Series: Map of Life - The Drunk of Sancti Spíritus, 2007
Edition of 25

Ibrahim Miranda, 2006
De la serie: Mapaglifos - Pajaro herido, Mexico DF / From the Series: Map of Life - Bird with a Broken Wing in Mexico
Edition of 25

Aaron R. Moreno, 2011
Patrón d´ prueba, / Test Pattern

Osmeivy Ortega Pacheco, 2008
Cuba: Picturesque Island Series – Emigrants
Reductive woodcut on fabric
Edition of 5

Osmel Herrera López, 2017
Trilogía de la decepción / The Trilogy of Deception
Edition of 2
$1,500 (triptych)

Hanoi Pérez Cordero, 2013
La anunciacion / The Announcement
Edition of 20

Yerandee González Durán, 2018
En la hucha / In the Piggy Bank
Edition of 20

Alejandro Ramon Sainz Alfonso, 2017
De la serie: Un paseo por la isla infinita - El primer paseo / From the Series: A Walk on the Infinite Island - Wait Until You Arrive
Reductive woodcut
Edition of 12

Alejandro Ramon Sainz Alfonso, 2019
De la serie: Un paseo por la isla infinita - El primer paseo / From the Series: A Walk on the Infinite Island - Wait Until You Arrive
Reductive woodcut
Edition of 7

Jessica Vázquez Quintana, 2019
Trayectoria 2, memorias / Trajectory 2, Memories
Edition of 7

Jessica Vázquez Quintana, 2019
Trayectoria 1, memorias / Trajectory 1, Memories
Edition of 7

Yerandee González Durán, 2017
Inverted Travel
Edition of 14

Lisbet Corvo Alderete, 2017
De la serie: No sabrás todo lo que valgo- La Furia, / From the Series: You Won't Know Everything I'm Worth - The Fury
Edition of 16

Edgar Hechavarria and Hanoi Pérez Cordero, 2020
Exhibition Poster
Lithography and screenprint
Edition of 20
The triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 led to the founding of the CDR (Committee for the Defense of the Revolution) and the UJC (Union of Young Communists). The objectives of these organizations are to protect and safeguard the ideals of that nascent revolutionary process that has lasted until today. The editioned print 20/20 Contemporary Cuban Printmaking is a collage of these iconic logos seen on the streets across Cuba which represent the Cuban sociopolitical reality. Calle Cuba is the street in old Havana linking the two most prestigious engraving workshops in Cuba: the Taller Experimental de Gráfica de la Habana and the Taller de Serigrafía René Portocarrero, whose members are participating in this exhibition. 20/20 Contemporary Cuba Printmaking is an edition of twenty with four artist proofs; printed with five colors in silkscreen, one color in lithography and signed by the artists Edgar Hechavarria Ricardo and Hanoi Peréz Cordero.

Marcel Molina Martinez, 2019
Güines de la esperanza / Güines of Hope
Edition of 50

Marcel Molina Martinez, 2019
Memoria II / Memory II
Edition of 40

Ivan R. Basulto, 2019
The Post Wall
Screenprint and digital
Unique print