Mirror of Nature — Highpoint Center for Printmaking

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Mirror of Nature

New Prints by Kurt Seaberg

On View: January 9, 2015 – March 31, 2015
Friday, January 9, 2015 from 12:00 am – 12:00 am


Mirror of Nature is an exhibition of lithographs created by longtime co-op artist Kurt Seaberg.

Having worked in various media, Kurt has directed his creative energy into lithography for many years. He is attracted to printmaking – namely lithography – for the endless artistic possibilities it offers to transform and manipulate the drawn image; the texture of the stone preserves the liveliness and spontaneity of the drawing and is ideal for evoking the feelings he seeks to convey. The human and natural landscape has always been a theme in his work, in particular the spiritual qualities he finds there.

Later Event: February 6