Monday, August 13 - Friday, August 17; 9:30am - 4:00pm &
Saturday, August 18; 11am - 1pm
Ages: 18+; for beginning students
Cost: $845 (15% discount for educators)
Registration: Deadline is Friday, July 13th
Enrollment: Maximum 10; minimum 6
Instructor: Keith Taylor
Course Description:
Spend an entire week this summer immersed in a print shop, learning a new technique and making prints! Highpoint is offering a week-long intensive workshop focused on the economical, user-friendly process of polymergravure, a contemporary alternative to the traditional (and painstaking) photogravure process. Of interest to educators and artists, the polymergravure method requires minimal studio equipment; a simple exposure unit, an intaglio press, and an inkjet printer. Once exposed, the ready-made, emulsion-coated polymer plates need only water for processing and are both environmentally friendly and easy to work with. Students in this workshop will be guided through each stage of the polymergravure process from editing the image file to creating an edition of prints. Techniques covered will include Adobe Photoshop and an inkjet printer to generate film positives, exposing and processing the plates, as well as each step of the intaglio printing process; paper preparation, inking, wiping, printing, and drying.
Participants should be prepared with several digital image files (either from a digital camera or a scan) that have been edited and are ready to be printed. Highpoint will provide students with film to create positives, polymer plates (16 x 23” - two per student, can be cut), aquatint screens, ink, miscellaneous other materials and enough paper to create two small editions. Participants may wish to bring their own additional printmaking paper. Because the schedule of this workshop and potentially, the content is especially suitable to educators, we are offering a 15% tuition discount to teaching professionals. Please identify yourself as an educator when registering.
About the Instructor: British-born Keith Taylor is a photographer and printmaker living in Minneapolis. For over thirty years he has printed exhibitions and portfolios for photographers, and now concentrates on the processes of platinum-palladium, gelatin-silver and polymergravure.
He has written and contributed to many photographic magazines and books, and has presented at the Alternative Photographic International Symposium (APIS) in Santa Fe and the f294 symposium in Pittsburgh. Taylor’s own photographs have been widely exhibited across the US and the UK and are held in many private, corporate and museum collections. He is a three-time recipient of Individual Artist grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board and in 2011 he was awarded a Minnesota Center for Book Arts/Jerome Foundation mentorship.
Registration may be completed by calling Highpoint at 612-871-1326 or emailing info@highpointprintmaking.org. Registrations are finalized upon receipt of payment.
If payment is not received within one business week your place in the class will not be reserved.