ON VIEW: April 30 - July 17, 2021

Ka’ila Farrell-Smith (Klamath Modoc)
Alien Invasion, 1492
Paper and image size: 30” x 22.25”
Collaborating master printer: Judith Baumann
Edition of 18
Highpoint is extremely excited to welcome a selection of prints from The Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts archive. Crow’s Shadow is nestled within the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation at the foot of the Blue Mountains just outside Pendleton, OR. They are a non-profit organization offering a fully equipped studio for contemporary fine art printmaking, an artist-in-residency program, and workshops in Indigenous Arts.
Thank you to all who joined us for a virtual event with Crow’s Shadow Executive Director Karl Davis, Jim Denomie and Alex Buffalohead on May 20!
Click HERE for the Zoom recording
We’re honored to partner with Crow’s Shadow to present works from their illustrious body of work
Read more about the show here.
All images below are presented courtesy of Crow’s Shadow.

“No future Homeworlds” (Mountains)
2020, monoprint

Impressions of Sanguine
2019, lithograph

2019, lithograph

Burnt Umber (series)
Monotype, 2011

- Posted in exhibit main
- Tagged crow's shadow, printmaking, print show, print, gallery, jim denomie, indigenous art, native american, 2021