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Highpoint Editions Artist Dyani White Hawk has been awarded one of the first Jerome Hill Artist Fellowships. This new program awards 60 early career artists with a two year fellowship to support creation of new work, workspace/studio/rehearsal rental, research, travel, professional development, professional equipment purchase, and residency participation and development of new skills.
In her fellowship statement, Dyani writes: “As a woman of Sičangu Lakota and European American ancestry, I was raised within Native and urban American communities. My work reflects these cross-cultural experiences through the combination of modern abstract painting and abstract Lakota art forms. Some works are executed strictly in paint while others incorporate beads and porcupine quillwork onto a painted surface, weaving aesthetics and conceptual influences from each respective history.
I strive to create honest, inclusive compositions that acknowledge all parts of my history, Native and non-Native, urban, academic and cultural education systems. This platform allows me to start from center, deepening my own understanding of the intricacies of self and culture, correlations between personal and national history, and indigenous and mainstream art histories.
The work encourages conversations that challenge the lack of representation of Native arts, people and voices in our national consciousness while highlighting the truth and necessity of equality and intersectionality.”
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