RIggs, monotype, 2022
I became a co-op member at Highpoint in the Spring of 2022. I had been driving past Highpoint for almost 9 years and always wondered what was inside. The winter of 2022 was my first as an empty nester, and I was not handling it well. COVID and masking were still the norm, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. Driving past Highpoint for the millionth time, I wondered if they offered any classes. I discovered that they did!! I then enrolled in every Sampler Session that was available with no idea what I was signing up for.
I have been lucky enough to always have art in my life beginning with my Granny would set up an easel so I could paint like Bob Ross, and the art community in Grand Marais where I grew up. I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus in Painting, from MSU, Mankato in 2005. My final semester I took a printmaking class. It felt like I found the door in the back of the wardrobe and discovered a whole new world. At that time in my life I was a single mom and unfortunately could not afford to explore this new world.
Present day, Highpoint is my happy place. I know I will be learning something new about printmaking, art, an artist, Minneapolis, humankind, or myself every time I walk through the door. I have rediscovered techniques that I learned in college, and have learned how to take them further. I greatly appreciate the ability to continue taking classes at Highpoint to learn new things and meet new people.
I love the community at Highpoint and the friends that I have made. I try to offer the same kindness and support that was shown to me by a member at one of my first sampler sessions. I was encouraged to sign up for a 6-week class, even though I didn't think I had the skills to take that class. In that class I met even more people and was encouraged to become a member. The community is supportive in talking you through a print, sharing supplies, even sharing skills. If they can’t help you they usually have some person, website or book in mind that can.
I have had the joy of volunteering during the Free Ink Day events that Highpoint offers to the community. It was great having people wander in and watch them discover the joy of printing. I have even had the opportunity to teach a couple of sampler sessions. To have people say that they aren't an artist and that they have no talent, and then make the most beautiful work is an amazing feeling. The co-op shows are my favorite so far, seeing the works come together behind the scenes, and then seeing it displayed for others to enjoy is the best part. Having a guest artist in residence is also a joy. To be able to talk to them about their work and their techniques is wonderful.
In my own work, I am all over the place. I'm a sponge soaking up all the knowledge I can and then wringing out some kind of artwork. I love being able to mix different print techniques together and still bring in my love of watercolor painting.
I look forward to my time at Highpoint and what new joys it brings me in 2023 and beyond.
-Megan Wetzel