Lauren Flynn, Jeremy Lundquist, Mark Schoening
On View: May 19, 2017 – June 24, 2017
Installation view of Jeremy Lundquist's artwork during the 2016-2017 Jerome Exhibition
With the generous support of the Jerome Foundation, artists Lauren Flynn, Jeremy Lundquist, and Mark Schoening were provided 9 months of access to Highpoint's printmaking facilities, as well as technical support, critiques with visiting artists and curators, and the opportunity to work in a studio environment that encourages experimentation and growth.
Lauren Flynn's prints provide space for the visual languages of minimalism, screen interstices, and process-based accidents to intermingle. She uses aquatint in combination with paper stencils to generate images which are at once carefully constructed and happenstance. It is within this constant negotiation between logic and exception, gestural and geometric, edge and gradient that she remains on the lookout for images that resist closure. Flynn has a BA from Grinnell College and enrolled in the MFA program at the University of Minnesota beginning fall 2017.
Mark Schoening created a series of visual games. Utilizing relief print, screen print, and laser cut inlayed collage, he has obsessively rearranged and organized pattern into optically charged compositions. Repetition morphs simple gestures into a constant buzz of visual noise. Schoening holds a BFA from MASS Art and an MFA from the University of Minnesota.
Jeremy Lundquist's prints address the endlessness of modern warfare. Lundquist recontextualized newspaper headlines about the conflict in Afghanistan while expanding traditional printmaking techniques, such as lithography and etching. Through a process of enlarging, altering, repeating and erasing, Lundquist complicates the intended message of his source materials, calling into question the ability to bring about an end to war. Lundquist holds a BA in studio art from Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa and an MFA in printmaking from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

Special thanks to this year’s jurors: Kristin Makholm, Executive Director, Minnesota Museum of American Art; and John-Mark Schlink, Lecturer in Printmaking & Director of the Soeffker Gallery and Permanent Collection, Hamline University. Thanks to guest critics Kristin Makholm, Pavel Pyś, Carolyn Swiszcz, John-Mark Schlink. Additional thanks to Kristin Lenaburg at the Minneapolis Institute of Art for hosting the residents at the Minneapolis Institute of Art’s Herschel V. Jones Print Study Room.
The 2016-2017 Jerome Emerging Printmakers Residency was made possible with a grant from the Jerome Foundation.