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Sampler Session: Linoleum Relief
6:00 PM18:00

Sampler Session: Linoleum Relief

  • Highpoint Center for Printmaking (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop, participants will carve away the areas they want to remain white on a linoleum block. The image will be printed from the raised surfaces left on the block after carving. Relief printing is the oldest form of printmaking, and these prints are characterized by their bold contrast between light and dark areas.

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Sampler Session: Emulsion Screenprint
6:00 PM18:00

Sampler Session: Emulsion Screenprint

  • Highpoint Center for Printmaking (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For this class, students will create a drawing on frosted Dura-lar with paint markers (positives). Screens are pre-coated with a photosensitive emulsion, and the positives are used to expose an image on the screen. The unexposed emulsion is washed out, leaving the image on the screen. This is the most common form of screenprint, as similar methods are used for commercial screenprinting.

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Sampler Session: Relief
6:00 PM18:00

Sampler Session: Relief

  • Highpoint Center for Printmaking (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop, participants will carve away the areas they want to remain white on a soft, easy-to-cut block. The image will be printed from the raised surfaces left on the block after carving. Relief printing is the oldest form of printmaking, and these prints are characterized by their bold contrast between light and dark areas.

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Viajes Interconectados: Explorando la Migración Animal con el Linograbado y Paste-up                 | Interconnected Journeys: Exploring Animal Migration with Linocut and Paste-up
to May 19

Viajes Interconectados: Explorando la Migración Animal con el Linograbado y Paste-up | Interconnected Journeys: Exploring Animal Migration with Linocut and Paste-up

  • Google Calendar ICS

En este taller exploraremos y reflexionaremos sobre el complejo y desafiante viaje que deben vivir los animales en su migración, transformándolos en impresiones en linograbado (linocut) y uniéndolos en una pieza colectiva mediante la técnica Paste-Up. 

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