Artist Statement:

My body of work is a clothing piece, consisting of prints attached to a hoop skirt. I chose to approach fashion’s link to feminism, and how rape victims are often blamed on the clothing they wore rather than put the perpatrator in question.  After interviewing a variety of women in Downtown & Uptown Minneapolis, I asked them 4 questions: 

  • What does being a woman mean to you?

  • What social injustice have you encountered?

  • How do you personally create change?

  • If you could change anything right now, what would it be?

“A Rapist In My Path” written by Rita Segato, from Chilean feminist collective Las Tesis is preformed by thousands of women globally, was also a primary inspiration for the prints. The lyrics of the chant are featured in both English and Chilean alongside statements and pictures from the interviewees.

The artistic choice of a hectic, collaged dress is to me a direct representation of how strong, independent and passionate women are, which correlates with the broad range of women’s clothing. I feel that this dress has a connection to every woman beyond the ones I interviewed because of how society treats you depending on how you like to express yourself through what you wear.